Level: Beginner

Estimated Length: 6 hours


Computers are everywhere! Your smartphone is a mini-computer. A server is a super-computer. Cars, smart TVs, your game console – they all have a computer. Having a basic understanding for these devices and how they work is critical for success in today's digital world. This course is a great starting point for any IT career.

glasses on computer

Level: Beginner

Estimated Length: 12 hours


Every smart device uses an operating system (OS) -- smart devices like personal computers, smartphones, game consoles, smart TVs, and the list continues. Whether the OS used is Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, or iOS, knowing how it works is a key digital skill you will need. Take this course to build your foundational knowledge for success in any IT career.

network cable next to a router

Level: Beginner

Estimated Length: 6 hours


The internet is built on computer networks. So no matter what kind of tech career you are interested in, it is essential to know some networking basics! Whether you are preparing for a career in networking, refreshing your knowledge for an industry-recognized certification, or are just curious about what networking is all about, this is the place for you

Level: Beginner

Estimated Length: 6 hours



You will learn cybersecurity basics to protect your personal digital life and gain insights into the biggest security challenges companies, governments, and educational institutions face today. Cybersecurity professionals who can protect and defend an organization’s network are in high demand.

Level: Beginner

Estimated Length: 6 hours



Quintillion bytes of data are created EVERY day! Explore how data is transforming the world and opening up exciting new jobs. You will learn the basics of data science, data analytics, and data engineering to understand how machine learning is shaping the future of business, healthcare, education, and more.

Python Essentials header image

Level: Beginner

Estimated Length: 30 hours


Learn fundamental concepts of computer programming and start building coding skills with the Python programming language. Python is a great first programming language to learn an requires no prior programming experience. Python skills open you up to careers in almost any industry and are required if you want to continue more advanced, higher paying software development and engineering roles.

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Level: Beginner

Estimated Length: 40 hours


Endless possibilities await when you acquire in-demand programming skills. Python is a multi-paradigm programming language used by startups and tech giants like Google, Facebook, Netflix, and more. With intuitive, readable syntax, Python is a great first programming language to learn. Having Python skills qualifies you for careers in almost any industry and is required for advanced and higher paying software development and engineering roles.

Level: Intermediate

Estimated Length: 40 hours


If you're interested in a career in front-end programming, JavaScript is essential to learn. JavaScript is a widely used programming language that makes it possible to embed videos and search boxes in your favourite website and even refresh your social media feed.

Level: Intermediate

Estimated Length: 50 hours


JavaScript is a vital programming language that powers our online experiences. From interactive websites to dynamic web applications, JavaScript is the driving force behind the user-friendly interfaces and functionality we enjoy today. In fact, just about every website around the globe utilizes JavaScript to provide the best user experience possible. Given the global reach of JavaScript, learning the foundations of the language can serve you well.

Level: Beginner

Estimated Length: 6 hours


The Internet of Things (IoT) is a fast-growing area of technology, with new companies, products, and job opportunities springing up all over the world. Discover how IoT, along with emerging technologies such as data analytics and artificial intelligence and cybersecurity, are digitally transforming industries and expanding career opportunities.

Learn The Basics

Hardware Basics

Level: Beginner

Estimated Length: 6 hours


Computers are everywhere! Your smartphone is a mini-computer. Cars, smart TVs, your game console – they all have a computer. Having a basic understanding for these devices and how they work is critical for success in today’s digital world. This course is a great starting point for any IT career.

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Operating System Basics

Level: Beginner

Estimated Length: 12 hours


Whether it’s Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, or iOS, knowing how it works is a key digital skill you will need. Take this course to build your foundational knowledge for success in any IT career.

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Networking Basics

Level: Beginner

Estimated Length: 6 hours


The internet is built on computer networks. So it is essential to know some networking basics for any tech career! Whether you are preparing for a career in networking, refreshing your knowledge for an industry-recognized certification, or are just curious about what networking is all about, this is the place for you.

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Introduction to Cybersecurity

Level: Beginner

Estimated Length: 6 hours



You will learn how to protect your personal digital life and learn about the biggest security challenges companies, governments, and educational institutions face today. Cybersecurity professionals who can protect an organization’s network are in high demand.

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Introduction to Data Science

Level: Beginner

Estimated Length: 6 hours



Quintillion bytes of data are created EVERY day! Explore how data is transforming the world and opening up exciting new jobs. You will learn about data science, data analytics, and data engineering to understand how machine learning is shaping the future of business, healthcare, education, and more.

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Learn Programming and IOT

Python Essentials 1

Level: Beginner

Estimated Length: 30 hours


Learn fundamental concepts of computer programming and build coding skills with the Python programming language. Python is a great first programming language to learn an requires no prior programming experience.

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Python Essentials 2

Level: Beginner

Estimated Length: 40 hours


Endless possibilities await when you acquire in-demand programming skills. Python is used by tech giants like Google, Facebook, Netflix, and more. Python skills qualify you for careers in almost any industry and are required for advanced and higher paying software development and engineering roles.

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Javascript Essentials 1

Level: Intermediate

Estimated Length: 40 hours


If you’re interested in a career in front-end programming, JavaScript is essential to learn. JavaScript is a widely used programming language that makes it possible to embed videos and search boxes in your favourite website and even refresh your social media feed.

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Javascript Essentials 2

Level: Intermediate

Estimated Length: 50 hours


Just about every website around the globe utilizes JavaScript to provide the best user experience possible. Given the global reach of JavaScript, learning the foundations of the language can serve you well.

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Introduction to IoT

Level: Beginner

Estimated Length: 6 hours


The Internet of Things (IoT) is a fast-growing area of technology, with new companies, and job opportunities springing up all over the world. Learn how IoT, with technologies such as data analytics and AI and cybersecurity, are digitally transforming industries and expanding career opportunities.

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